-Woke up ~ 4 a.m. saying/singing, "Happy birthday, me?, Happy Birthday, me?" We sent him back to bed. -Woke up later to find a big, Tonka dump-truck as b-day present #1. He ran around the living room trying to ride it or putting socks in it and dumping them back out.
When we got home, we all had Peace On Earth Pizza (as requested by the birthday boy). Mmm-mm.
He was excited about all of his presents, like this one (play video to see) from Papa Bill and Grandma Retta:
But of all the things he received, Daniel seemed to enjoy the card (play video to see) from his Great-Grandma Betty the most:
Afterwards Darlene, Shak, Travis (their Grandson), Karis, and Adrianna all came over for cake & ice cream (and Dar brought some agutak too). We sang happy birthday (play video to see) and played with DJ's big, foam world-map puzzle from Papa Gary and Grandma Pat:
Life is good.
Jonah is getting bigger. If you look at the LAST picture here, he looks nearly IDENTICAL to one of Daniel's baby pictures (also up close, but with a blue background, if you remember the one).
This was my first week back at work. Jake goes into Anchorage for training on Sunday, and doesn't get back until Thursday, so I'll be a single, working mother for a week... I already appreciate Jake every day, but even the thought of how much harder next week is going to be for me makes me appreciate him more.