On June 21, our friends Heidi & Herb tied the knot up on Army Hill. They had the best weather of the summer so far for their celebration, and we all had a good time.
A few of my choir girls from this year came to practice in our yard to get ready to sing & play a few songs at the wedding reception.
DJ with a bucket on his head. We don't do these things to him... he comes up with it all on his own.
Heidi & Herb saying their vows.
Everyone attending.
DJ taking a break up the hill with Jasmine and Carter.
A week later (as you've read) our boat motor came in, and we had great weather for both of our first two trips. Like normal on the Unalakleet National Scenic & Wild River, the water was clear, and we could see to the bottom all along North River, and watch the fish follow our lures to the boat as we reeled in. Sw-eet!
Jake & DJ ready to embark.
On Friday night we just took a ride. It was awesome. The motor was so quiet we could hear the water splashing, and the unsecured snaps of the canopy clicking against the boat (noises that have been constant but previously undetectable with the decibel level of our old motor) and we got on plane faster than we ever have before.
Saturday was for fishing. We took our friend Reza with us, and although we didn't catch any kings, we got a few large graylings, some pinks, and a dolly... enough to have a great, fresh-fish dinner anyway. We also saw a river otter (sorry, wasn't quick enough to get a picture)... but it's always cool to see them--sooo cute! We caught some stick fish too :-) but had an overall good afternoon on the water.
It looks like you guys are having a fun summer in Unk. All your pics and stories make me miss you guys a lot! I hope you guys continue having good times, and I'll see you soon.
What beautiful pictures!!! I'm so glad you got your new motor. I know how much you will use it. Can't wait to see the 3 1/2 of you in 3 weeks.
Mom S.
A's right - your belly is so cute! Great pictures. Congrats on the new motor, too. It looks lovely there. I miss home! I'm in my last week of NZ, so I'm enjoying my time here. But I'll be ready for some real Alaskan food when I get back! I'm glad you are enjoying your summer. And I hope you have more pictures from the wedding. Miss you all! Cheers, K
summertime...ah...gotta love the green and the wind in unalakleet!
oh those yummy norton sound crabs...we miss them...it is challenging for us to even look at them in the store here in wasilla...and the price...wowzers!
keep on enjoying those schedule free days. janelle you are looking great!
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